The precious practice of generosity
Buddhist practice allows people to purify and liberate their minds. The teachings, which can lead to lasting happiness, are not a commercial article. Offering, organizing and financing the spreading of these teachings is part of the Buddhist practice of generosity, which is regarded as essential. Teachers and organizers of our activities generously contribute what they can give, and according to Buddhist tradition students contribute whatever they are able to in the form of money or by helping with practical chores.
Our Centre tries to continue this tradition by offering – whenever possible – teaching and activities on the basis of Dana.
Even in the case we are obliged to charge a course fee interested people who do not have enough economical resources can participate in our programs in exchange for volunteer work in the house and gardens at Kushi Ling.
How is the Centre financed?
The centre is run by a non-profit association. It does not have access to any public funding.
The annual membership fee – valid from January 1st to December 31st amounts to 15 Euros.
The centre has considerable expenses during the year – such as rent, electricity costs, telephone, salaries for the staff and translators and offerings for teachers.
The financial resources, which allow the centre to flourish and make plans for the future, depend on the generosity of the members and course participants.
Without their generosity, the centre would have to charge a high course fee, which could exclude or discourage some students.
How can you support the centre?
If you agree with us that real and lasting peace comes from a compassionate and wise mind and that Buddhism can give a valuable contribution for cultivating it, we ask you to kindly join the group of people who support the centre and its activities.
Please give generously according to your possibilities, for example:
- helping with house and garden work
- helping to publicise our initiatives
- giving an offering from time to time
- become a member (giving a annual contribution of 15 Euros)
- become a sponsoring member (giving a monthly contribution of 30 Euros).
We thank you wholeheartedly.
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